It's Young Living's loyalty program.  You can get started when creating your account, or anytime after!

+ Customizable (change your products, date, shipping each month)
+ Points back on all of your purchases to use like cash!  10% back for the first 3 months, 20% back after 3 consecutive months and 25% back after 24 months.
+ Free loyalty gifts for your first year each quarter (3,6,9,12 months)
+ Discounted shipping
+ Free promo oils & products with qualifying orders
+ Cancel anytime


Think about it though... maintaining 50PV (approx. 1PV = 1 USD) is not difficult at all! You are enrolling in ER because you know you are ordering household staples every month! You are not spending more money out of your monthly budget. You are simply transferring where you're spending your money. For example, I'm not spending money at Costco on my body wash, laundry detergent, hand soap, etc. I'm buying all of that from Young Living instead! And I'm earning tons of points and free products while I'm at it! No brainer.